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Chapter Philanthropy


Kappa Splash: This is a philanthropy event that we throw at the very beginning of the school year, all fraternities participate in a diving/jumping competition at our campus pool. We also invited all sororities to come and support, the fraternity that wins will get a dinner made by all the Kappas at the Kappa House and the sorority that comes out with the most supporters will receive a dessert thrown by us. It is one of our favorite things to do to kick off the school year!

KKGlee: A talent show that all greeks participate in, all fraternities and sororities perform a dance, song, skit, or whatever they want! We announce a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winner and award the 1st place winner money toward their philanthropy. Everyone on campus comes out and supports us! We all have so much fun watching everyone perform!

Reading Is Key: Every Spring we all go to a local Boys and Girls Club and we play games, do activities and crafts, and we read to them. It is one of our most rewarding philanthropy events because we are doing hands on activities with the kids and directly donating to the club.

Kappa Kookie Gathering: At the beginning of our Spring Semester, we invite everyone on campus to come to the Kappa House and eat as many desserts as they possible can. All they have to do to is bring one children's book to get in. After the event, we donate either to a local elementary school or children's hospital or wherever we decide for that year. 

Kappa Klassic: 2014 was the first year we had this Kickball Klassic, all fraternities participated in a kickball tournament and one winner was announced. They received a trophy and bragging rights for the year! It was so much fun seeing everyone come out to support us.